Mending With Gold:
a Kintsugi Therapist Collective weekend intensive
Join us June 7-9, 2024 to reconnect with the core of why we do this work, address the psychic burden of professional care work, and revision sustainable and enlivening practices.
Join Kintsugi Therapist Collective’s co-directors, Onyx and Asher, June 7-9, 2024 for a virtual weekend intensive, during which you will experience a concentrated and highly personalized curriculum designed to support therapists and aligned care workers. We hope to challenge the unrealistic expectations of the care work industrial complex, nurture pathways for reconnecting with pleasure and develop enlivening professional practices/strategies.
Participants will engage with these topics through exercises and activities, readings and media, and small and large group discussion.
The weekend intensive will take place Friday, June 7 - Sunday, June 9, 2024:
Friday, June 7, 2024 - 8:00-9:00pm Eastern
Welcome & Virtual Dinner Party
Saturday, June 8, 2024 - 1:00-4:00pm Eastern
Session 1
Sunday, June 9, 2024 - 1:00-4:00pm Eastern
Session 2 & Closing
This program offers a sliding scale based on your relative financial standing. In an effort to reflect disparity in economic condition and access to wealth, the following payment system is designed for those with more wealth to help cover the costs of those with less access to wealth and resources. We trust your discernment of your current financial situation and how you fit into the global economic context.
As you decide what amount to pay, please consider your present-day financial situation governed by income, but also the following factors: historical discrimination faced by your peoples; your access to income and financial wealth, both current and anticipated (retirement, savings, investments, expectation of an inheritance; how easily could you earn more income compared to other people in your community, country, and world); people counting on your financial livelihood including dependents and community members; the socio-economic conditions of your locale (relative to other places in your country and in the world); your relationship to food & resource scarcity.
This payment structure is inspired and informed by the justice-oriented models put forth by Worts & Cunning Apothecary, Dr. Bayo Akomolafe, and Corporeal Writing.
Solidarity Rate — $650
This rate is for you if you have ample financial resources, due to personal earnings and/or access to intergenerational wealth. Paying this rate extends support to members without these privileges and acknowledges the value of building a diverse and more equitable community.
True Value Rate — $500
This rate is for you if you have access to financial security and do not traditionally qualify for sliding scale fee reductions. Paying this rate recognizes the actual cost to run this program and values the time, labor, and resources of its facilitators.
Community Care Rate — $350
This rate is for you if you can typically afford to meet your basic needs, but with minimal expendable income. Paying this rate acknowledges the disparity of resources afforded to folks based on the impact of oppression including racism, ableism, and classism.
Reparations Rate — $150
This rate is offered in acknowledgment of the stolen indigenous land and legacies of anti-blackness that continue to harm members of our community. We offer this rate to honor the ongoing inequity, harm, and barriers to access within professional care work spaces.
To register, please fill out the application. Accepted applicants will receive an email confirming acceptance and a request for the self-selected fee. Receipt of payment will complete the registration process.
Registering for the Mending With Gold weekend intensive includes:
Live, synchronous attendance at 3 sessions
A packet of suggested readings and media
Community building and networking with similarly situated care workers
You can contact KTC with questions about Mending With Gold via the contact page. Applications will be read on a rolling basis with a focus on maintaining an intimate, generative environment.
“I most valued the immediate sense of camaraderie starting with Friday night. When we went into our small groups today to talk about how to bring more of our body into our work, no one talked for about 2 min and we all spent time gazing and smiling at each other. It was a powerful way to begin our conversation about what it's like to bring the body into our work. We noticed if we felt a panic to fill the silence or if we really enjoyed the quietness. I really really really appreciate that both of you, Asher and Onyx, have calming presences and that helps me to feel calmed. That I was able to ask for something specific from the group that I need to feel more present and settled and I was met with a chorus of "of course" (hand over heart gesture) - I saw this happening a few times during the weekend and it felt wonderful.”
— Nanae Ito, LCSW (AK, CO)
Participant in Mending With Gold, March 2023
“[I most valued] all of the time to connect and to really think about issues that have been coming up for me over the past few years of my work. To actually see other therapists building the community that I have felt like I needed since I began the work.”
— Participant in Mending With Gold, March 2023
“I'm a person who really learns well through listening, so being able to soak up the insights and knowledge everyone shared really did change the way I'm thinking and moving. I am leaving this weekend truly feeling like I have next steps (that I was able to think of myself based on our dialogues) for how to do this private practice thing with reverence for myself and my needs.”